+ What is Hope Releasers?
Hope Releasers is a faith-based community where we share hope and encouragement, partner in prayer, and become a refuge for others learn the skills, tools, and strategies to help the ones we love end their addiction.
+ What makes Hope Releasers different from other organizations?
We love Naranon, Alanon, and Celebrate Recovery. They are fantastic resources and we suggest every person find the community that helps them to heal and grow in their relationship with God and others.
At Hope Releasers we apply the ITC (Invitation to Change) approach, skills, and strategies that takes over forty years of documented science research and couples it with kindness. Hope Releasers adds the compassion of Jesus to the mix.
Hope Releasers doesn’t seek to replace other programs, but is another safe, non-judgmental community that seeks to be a refuge of hope and healing for the loved ones of those struggling with addiction.
+ Does Hope Releasers recommend extra help?
All the time. Know that you have already been gifted with wisdom through the Word and the Holy Spirit. You have access to them everyday. Seek answers and truth from them first. And as scripture subscribes you can “seek wise counsel” (Proverbs 19:20). Talk to your pastor, reach out to your spiritual mentor, or meet with a therapist. Recovery to restoration is an intentional process. If you haven’t started yet, you can today with us.
+ How is Hope Releasers going to help me?
Through our powerful prayer community, uplifting stories, and helpful resources of practical tools and strategies you’ll experience hope, healing, and be empowered to make healthy choices.
The Hope Plan focuses on restoring three critical areas of our lives:
- REDEEMED - Our relationship with God.
This is foundational as we understand God’s heart, see with His eyes, and stand on His promises not just for us but for the one struggling with addiction as well. We learn our identity and authority as believers, pray from victory, wait well in God’s waiting room, and praise Him from a position of grace.
- RECOVERY - Our relationship with ourselves.
Recovery is necessary not just for the addict but for us as well. We learn how to love ourselves, practice self-care, find our worth, unlock our voice, heal from past pain, set our limits, and win the battle in our minds.
- REFUGE - Our relationship with others.
Here we become a safe place for others who are going through the same thing we are while learning how to help the one we love struggling with addiction. We begin to understand what is addiction, how to motivate change, apply proven skills and strategies, and find courage to surrender our loved ones over to God.
+ Do I need to be a Christian to be a part of Hope Releasers?
No, anyone is welcome. Come as you are. But, please know that our community believes in the God of the Bible, shares encouraging scriptures, and prays fervently. If you are curious, I’d love for you to stay and see what we’re all about and ask questions. We’ll make the circle wider for you friend.
+ What are the Hope Releasers' core beliefs?
We have a powerful manifesto filled with biblical truth that we declare over and over again:
We champion the principle of persistent prayer.
We keep our love on.
We believe God can redeem and restore anyone. (Ps 103:1-6)
We are convinced that God can break any addiction. (Jer 32:27)
We trust that God is faithful in every trial and testing. (1 Cor 10:13)
We are persuaded that waiting on God is not a waste of time.
We release hope with our words and actions.
We renounce the old lie “once an addict, always an addict.”
We don't struggle against the addict, but against spiritual forces of evil. (Eph 6:12)
We put our confidence in God’s Word and listen to His voice before the world’s.